In this day and age, if you are like me, most of your real mail consists of bills and advertising.
When I get a real letter or postcard, it’s a celebration. That doesn’t happen often though as e-mail, phone and a multitude of applications meant to make communication fast and easy, make communication fast and easy.
So why bother writing? Why bother taking the postcard or letter to the post office? Why bother finding out where can I buy stamps nearby? Why pay for a stamp?
Well, we think receiving real mail, handwritten and with colorful stamps is an experience. Something maybe old fashioned became almost a luxury.
So we decided to give this to you. And I mean to anyone of you who has not been to Romania and wants to know what Romania is like.
All you need to do is send us your mailing address. We have a beautiful stack of postcards from razvan voiculescu whose pictures you are familiar with from his pictorials. Get yours!
Postcards waiting to be sent!
Why the act of generosity? It’s simple.
I hope the postcard will make your day. I genuinely hope that the day you get it, you’ll smile and go about your day happier.
And then I hope you keep it on your fridge or you use it as a bookmark. Every time you see it I hope it will make you smile and think of Romania. And if one day you want to go for a holiday, Romania will come to mind. And maybe we will come to mind also.
So don’t wait and get your own postcard. Send us your mailing address and you’ll soon have mail.
PS: Your mailing address will not be misused in any way, shared with anyone else for any purpose.
Message Us
I would like to get post card and postal stamp of Romania.
I am currently in Bucharest for a Business trip.
Please help me.
Send us a message with your address, and the postcard will be on its way!
Hi, i would love to have a postcard from Romania!